Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Honor Flight San Antonio (HFSA).
Who is eligible to apply for an Honor Flight?
Veterans who have served during war time are eligible to apply with HFSA.
WORLD WAR II – All campaigns – 7 Dec. 1941 to 2 Mar. 1946
AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINES – In oceangoing service during the period of armed conflict, 7 Dec. 1941 to 15 Aug. 1945
KOREAN WAR – 27 June 1950 to – 27 July 1954 (eligible for the Korean Service Medal)
VIETNAM WAR – 28 Feb. 1961 to 7 May 1975
I am the widow of a veteran. Can I go?
Sadly, the answer is “no.” Again, we simply do not have the resources, funding, or seating available to transport all the veterans who are presently on our waiting list.
How much does it cost? How much money do I need to bring?
The cost is FREE for ALL veterans traveling with HFSA. You do not need to bring any money, unless you intend to purchase souvenirs.
Guardians are requested to make a donation, of $500, to cover part of their expenses on the trip.
How do you decide which veterans get to go?
Current priority is:
1. World War II
2. Korea War
3. Vietnam Veteran
Are terminally ill veterans given any special priority?
YES! Such veterans go to the top of the list for the next flight.
Do I need to bring a wheelchair?
No, HFSA well see to it that wheelchairs will be available for the veterans to use during the trip.
Are there any stairs to climb?
Yes, there are a few, including getting on and off tour buses (5 to 6 steps), and you will always have help.
How are you funded?
Our funding is provided through donations from individuals and companies who recognize the great accomplishments and sacrifices of veterans
Is a “Real ID” required for air travel?
Beginning May 7, 2025, every air traveler 18 years of age and older will need a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or another acceptable form of ID to fly within the United States.
If you use a current passport or Military Retiree ID card to board the aircraft, they currently meet TSA’s ID requirements. Please note: VA medical cards do not meet TSA requirements. For complete information on Real ID Requirements please click on the following link.
Are there any special requirements to serve as a Guardian?
Yes, all Guardians must be 69 years of age or younger, able bodied, and in good health to endure the rigors of the trip while supporting their assigned veteran. Must be able to push the veteran in a wheelchair as needed, and at times carry approximately 40 lbs. of luggage (backpacks) while doing so. Honor Flight San Antonio Guardian Coordinator will interview each applicant and decide if they are qualified. See Guardian tab for more information.